My mission:
1. To celebrate life and all of its wholeness, miracles, blessings, mysteries, & magic.
2. To share life by cultivating love, well-being, equity, peace, justice, biodiversity, unity, & harmony.
My Policy Platform
It's important for me to be clear about what I'm working toward. | Updated 2024
Sanctity of Life & Universal LawLaws must protect, honor, and serve the sanctity of all life and the being-hood all our relations including recognizing the Universal Declarations of Human Rights, Indigenous Rights, & Nature's Rights. This means pursuing World Peace.
Public ElectionsAll of us should govern by free & fair elections that are publicly-funded, maximally-accessible, that mandate participation from all citizens, and that use rank-choice voting. Voting districts should be determined based on clear, non-partisan criteria and approved by non-political public servants.
Restorative JusticeCultivate justice in our communities through restorative practices that repair harm, meet the needs of all parties, improve behavior, and strengthen connections.
Fund Universal WellbeingFund institutions and pursuits that cultivate health & wellbeing including universal holistic healthcare, sustainable housing, birth-to-death education, safe employment, inflation-adjusted living wages, & universal basic income to guarantee a foundation of health & safety for all.
Defund Harm & Invest in WellbeingDefund and restructure institutions and pursuits that cause harm including the military, police, and prisons. Put measures in place at our institutions and pursuits to monitor for & reduce harm. Reform those institutions so that they contribute instead to well-being.
No WasteHuman systems must mirror nature's systems. All producers must be responsible for their creations from cradle-to-cradle: Reuse, compost, or recycle all waste streams that come from their products and means of production. We do not externalize any costs or harrms.
Reparations & ReconciliationPay those harmed by government and corporate actions a fair amount as part of the process of reconciliation from un-remedied violence & exploitation. Promote processes & education that reveal and enshrine the truth of what happened so we may learn from and not repeat these harms. This includes returning stolen lands and resources to their rightful, indigenous caretakers.
Simple, Equitable TaxesCreate a simple, easy-to-understand tax structure that ensures that all humans contribute their fair share to ensuring the well-being of all our relations. Taxes should automatically rise for those doing well in hard times to provide for the needs of those suffering & struggling.
Simple, Equitable LawsRequire all laws to be easy-to-understand and audited for their equitable protection of the life & well-being of all our relations. All laws should have terms of expiration to ensure that they must be renewed to remain relevant.
Green New DealInvest in employing all our people in sequestering carbon, protecting biodiversity, restoring wilderness, and transitioning our human communities to become more beautiful & sustainable.
Global Citizenship & AsylumCreate systems of the ease and safety of movement for all our relations. Ensure that decisions we make to benefit ourselves don't do harm to others and guarantee asylum to those seeking it.
Equity & Pay RatioFor-profit organizations must become cooperative, vesting equity in all employees and guaranteeing a pay ratio of no more than 3:1 between the highest-paid and lowest-paid employees.
Invest in Citizens, Not CorporationsSubsidize individuals & families and let them use their purchasing power on the free market to determine winners & losers. Don't subsidize or bail out corporations.
Public AccountabilityAll institutions should be required to publicly report key data at least annually and all public servants should have clear metrics they are accountable for with term limits on their service. All institutions and public servants should have mechanisms to receive public feedback and track their accountability to that feedback.
Mandatory Public Service & Guaranteed EmploymentAll citizens should be required to spend part of their life and part of each month engaged in a menu of options for public service. Furthermore, governments should guarantee employment.
Cravernak Healing Portfolio
aka Mission Dashboard
You feed what you measure. This data to welcome communal accountability toward my mission.
My Annual GoalsEvery year around my birthday (in June), I set annual goals for the year ahead and reflect on my progress on the previous year's. I share my big events, projects, travel, texts, ideas, & goal reflections.
Healing Portfolio
We are working to invest a growing amount of our time, talent, & treasure in philanthropy, reparations, mutual aid, political contributions, and impact investments/purchases. Find a list of the ways we're investing in more-than-financial returns.
Our Annual BudgetShow me your budge and I'll show you your values. We strive to invest at least 10% of our family's annual earnings and 50% of our inheritance into Healing Work. Find a high-level overview of where our money is coming from and going to.